A radically different advanced materials company

From molecular discovery to materials manufacturing, we leverage computational 
methods to bring to market truly innovative products for high-performance applications. 
These include monomers, high-temperature composites and foams, precursors for 
carbon-carbon, and protection systems against direct energy.

A Rapid Design, Build, Test 
Innovation Platform

Molecular Foundry

Rapid development platform involving computational discovery, chem-bio synthesis, and composite fabrication and testing.


Scaling monomers to composites, 
building domestic production and resilient supply chains.

Applications Development

 Fabricating prototypes and testing in
real-world conditions with customers.

Lead Products

High-temperature material systems to protect a range of hardware against extreme conditions such as heat, fire and rapid-heating impacts.

Materials that perform under extreme heat


Thermal barrier systems

 Directed-Energy Protection


let’s talk

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